Tag: Organisational Change Management

Managing Change

Nicholas Carrol

“In today’s environment, change agility is no longer a luxury but a necessity. The winners of the future will be those who can out-change both the competition and external forces. The current velocity of change leaves us at the doorstep of a new world. In this environment of bigger, faster and more complex change, agility […]

Everything’s Changing. Are We? (Part 1)

Linda Otto

The saying “Change is the only constant in life…” is a well-known and somewhat overly used quote that has been bandied about global change management fraternities for some time now. And while the Greek philosopher Heraclitus has certainly been proven right over the centuries, it is important that we understand that there are periods in […]

Change Management Challenges in Technology Programmes

Michelle Wolfaardt

There are some common change management challenges that seem to recur across technology-related programmes, regardless of whether they involve system implementations, migrations, or digitisation, for example. This may relate to the programme focus (i.e. technology rather than people), or to the potential speed and practicality of system-related change. Here is a brief overview of the […]

How does Leadership Influence Change in an Organisation?

Tamara Botha

A couple of years back I worked with an incredible company that provided excellent services and products. They had phenomenal leadership, an excellent culture, top class talent, and boasted a large loyal client base. This was a dream organisation that anyone would want to work for and be associated with. I put this down to […]

Change is Changing. Unchanging Would Be an Oxymoron

Simone Vorster

Change is inevitable. If you don’t agree, do these two things: Write down today’s date and approximate where you were this time last year. What has changed? Write down today’s date and put it on your fridge; the following year, look at this date and see the changes that have occurred. Change is tangible; it […]