Category: Project & Change Management

How Courageous Conversations can Lead to Psychological Safety in the Workplace.

Debbi Scheun

How Courageous Conversations Can Lead to Psychological Safety in the Workplace. In today’s workplace, fostering an environment of psychological safety is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have for organisational success. Psychological safety – defined by Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson as a climate where people feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable […]

Integration of Project & Change Management

Rodney Mkhabela

I attended a Webinar on Project Management a few weeks ago when the facilitator, who is a Project Manager and a Civil Engineer by training, said “Project Managers deliver business solutions whilst change managers ensure that the solutions deliver business results”. He certainly captured my attention because I was expecting a dry, technical discussion on […]

Linked for Success – Change and Project Management

Michelle Wolfaardt

In the past, Change Management was often seen as a ‘nice-to-have’ addition to project management. Over time though, it has come to be recognised as a strategic, equal and vital partner to Project Management in enabling a project’s success. Not only are both roles required to enable a project to achieve the business case, but […]

Change Management & Project Management Working Together

Lynn Walsh

The disciplines of change management and project management in specific have become the backbone of how organisations introduce a new and better way of order. Whether implementing new technology, merging or acquiring businesses, reengineering business processes or completely changing a business model; project management provides the structure, tools and processes to ensure the initiative is […]

Where Change and Project Management Meet

Linda Otto

The roles of Change and Project Management are inextricably entwined in the project and programme arena. One cannot exist in isolation from the other and indeed feed into one another in terms of project and programme delivery. Project management tends to place more emphasis on rational factors while change management seeks to compliment this by […]