CPR: Change Project Resuscitation

Event Overview.

We are often faced with the difficult task of trying to resuscitate a failing project, despite our best efforts. In this workshop, you will be introduced to our bespoke CPR model and tools, designed to help you breathe life back into your change project.

Learning Objectives.

1. Identifying a change that may need CPR.
2. Recognising why your change initiative is failing, or why it has failed.
3. Exploring how the Change CPR Model can be used to resuscitate your change.
4. Understanding how the apply the 7 steps of CPR.
5. Defining and monitoring key change vitals for ongoing stabilisation.

This workshop was designed for Change and Project Management Practitioners looking for a practical approach in turning around failing or problematic change initiatives.

Our Speaker
Linda Otto

Event Videos

CPR: Change Project Resuscitation Workshop
How To Resuscitate Failed Change.
“This workshop was wonderful! Very insightful and well thought-out.”
“Really insightful, practical session. Very well facilitated. The use of analogies and examples helped to bring the content alive. Thank you so the opportunity to learn and engage!”
“Would love to attend more of these. Very insightful.”
“It was a phenomenal session. Thank you for kindly sharing the information and practical tools. Very well needed.”
“It was practical, step by step, and had great resources for us to take away and implement the lessons. It was also a unique offering and I appreciated it.”
“I really enjoyed working through the 3 phases and how the workbook speaks to making CPR so practical. Such a valuable webinar.”